Mum’s clever Christmas hack to stop shopping meltdowns

Anyone who has children will understand how hard it is going shopping with them, especially in the run up to Christmas.

From picking up toys off the shelf, begging for everything they see and having a full on meltdown when you say no, it can be an exhausting experience and threats of ending up on the ‘naughty list’ rarely do the trick.

Thankfully, one mum has come up with a genius way to stop the toy shop tantrums and it couldn’t be easier.

Kristina Watts simply takes a picture.

The mum-of-three shared the idea in a Facebook post last Christmas and it’s definitely one that could prove useful this year.

She wrote: “Once again my camera roll is FULL of pictures of Emerson with every single thing she wants for Christmas. Why…because it’s the most amazing parenting hack ever and has stopped MANY meltdowns! If you aren’t using this hack…listen up friends.”

Kristina, who is mum to Caden, 11 and Davis, 6, revealed that when three-year-old daughter Emerson asks for something she justs snaps a picture of her with it.

Her post continues: “Pause for a second, comment on the thing they’re pointing out, and say, ‘Let’s take a picture with it and send it to Santa so he knows you want it!’

“Note: you can send it to Santa, grandma, TeeTee, Stephanie or whoever it is you can pawn it off on. Totally up to you and can be different every time.

“Magically, Emmie smiles, says cheese, asks to see the picture, then PUTS THE TOY DOWN AND WALKS AWAY. It’s magical. No tears. No tantrums (by either of us). And she forgets about all of them within minutes.”

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Kristina who works from her home in Panama City, Florida, in the US, swears by this trick and was compelled to share it adding: “Maybe you’ve been doing this for ages, and you selfishly didn’t share this tip with me…or maybe you’re like me and this is about to rock your world. For real, try it friends. You’re welcome.”

Liverpool Echo – What’s On